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Recreational Gymnastics Skill Competitions

Gymnastics Skill Competition information

Upcoming Dates:

Int 3 - May 10th

Int 4 - June 7th 

Join us to get personalized feedback from FAA's founder & owner, Coach Victoria, and get a chance to win the coveted Captain Cup (our ultimate all-around trophy)! Let’s see what you've got!


Upcoming Dates

May 10th from 12:30-2:00PM - for Intermediate 3 Athletes (must have passed Beginner 2 to compete)

June 7th from 10:00-11:30AM - for Intermediate 4 Athletes (must have passed Intermediate 3 to compete)


Cost: $30 per athlete


What to Wear: Wear your favorite FAA Leotard or any purple, blue or black leotard!​​​​​


Tickets: $5 Per Spectator (Limit Of 5 Spectators Per Athlete)

Available For Purchase At The Door - Day Of Show. Please Bring CASH To Speed Up Ticket Sales.







If you have any questions regarding our recreational gymnastics competitions, please let us know! We'd be happy to talk to you about it!


See below for frequently asked questions...

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